Roti Paratha (Recipe)

Paratha Bread aka Canai Bread aka Maryam Bread. I use simple ingredients in the house and the results are tasty, soft, and fibrous. Let's make Paratha Bread!

300 grams of medium protein flour
150-175 ml of water
1 tsp salt
1 tbsp of sugar
2 tbsps vegetable oil

How to make:
1. Mix flour, salt and sugar. Stir well.
2. Add water slowly while stirring until the dough is not sticky in the container (you may adjust the water).
3. Rest the dough in the refrigerator for 10 minutes.
4. Divide the dough into 4 parts. Take one part of the mixture, flatten it as thin as possible.
5. Apply vegetable oil on the surface of the dough that has been flattened until evenly distributed.
6. Then fold the dough like folding a paper fan.
7. After that, roll up the dough forming a circle, then flatten the dough.
8. Continue until all the dough finished.
9. Heat the pan. Cook the Paratha until done (apply a little oil on the surface of Paratha when cooking).
10. Serve Paratha with chicken curry.

Mari Masak Bersama Amalia!



Roti Paratha aka Roti Canai aka Roti Maryam. Aku buat pakai bahan sederhana yang ada di rumah dan hasilnya enak, lembut, dan berserat.

Mari kita buat Roti Paratha!

300 gram tepung terigu protein sedang
150-175 ml air
1 sdt garam
1 sdm gula pasir
2 sdm minyak sayur

Cara membuat:
1. Campur terigu, garam, dan gula. Aduk rata.
2. Tambahkan air perlahan-lahan sambil diaduk hingga adonan tidak lengket di wadah (takaran air disesuaikan)
3. Istirahatkan adonan di kulkas selama 10 menit.
4. Bagi adonan menjadi 4 bagian. Ambil satu bagian adonan, giling melingkar hingga setipis mungkin.
5. Oleskan minyak sayur di permukaan adonan yang sudah digiling tadi hingga merata.
6. Lalu, lipat memanjang adonan seperti melipat kipas kertas. 
7. Setelah itu, gulung adonan membentuk lingkaran, kemudian giling pipih.
8. Lanjutkan hingga semua adonan habis.
9. Panaskan teflon. Masak Paratha hingga matang (oleskan minyak sedikit di permukaan Paratha saat memasak).
10. Hidangkan Paratha dengan kuah kari.

Mari Masak Bersama Amalia!
