No Bake Oreo Cheesecake (Recipe)

This cheesecake does not require mixer and oven. The texture is soft and creamy. It is very good when served chilled. Let's make No Bake Oreo Cheesecake!

20 pieces of Oreo biscuits
85 grams of margarine
500 ml of whipping cream, chilled (I use Anchor)
300 grams of cream cheese (I use Elle & Vire)
8-10 tbsps of confectionery sugar (you may use regular sugar, sweetness is according to your taste)
1 tsp vanilla extract (I use Koepoe-Koepoe vanilla paste)
5 grams of gelatin / agar-agar (I use Swallow agar-agar)
30 ml of water

How to make:
1. Crush Oreo biscuits until half fine.
2. Melt margarine. Pour into the Oreo biscuit. Mix well.
3. Arrange Oreo mixture to the bottom of the pan (I use a 20 cm diameter pan). Set it aside.
4. In a bowl, beat the chilled whipping cream with a high-speed mixer for 3-4 minutes until softpeak. Softpeak is when whipping cream is taken using whisk, whipping cream is solid but falls back. If using a hand whisk, shake it in a container filled with ice water so that the temperature of the whipping cream is maintained. Shaking with your hand takes a long time around 20 minutes. Set it aside.
5. Dissolve gelatin / agar-agar with water.
6. Mix cream cheese + sugar + gelatin / agar-agar mixture + vanilla extract until evenly mixed (you may add Oreo crumbs).
7. Mix the mixture 4 and 6 using the spatula until smooth.
8. Put the cheesecake mixture into the pan. Flatten the surface of the cheesecake with a spatula.
9. Garnish the cheesecake. Put into the refrigerator for at least 4 hours or until set. It's better to put it in the freezer.
10. After set, cut and serve while chilled.

Storage tips: Cheesecakes should not be too long at room temperature. After taking it, put it back into the refrigerator or freezer.

Mari Masak Bersama Amalia!


Cheesecake satu ini tidak memerlukan mixer dan oven. Teksturnya lembut dan creamy. Sangat enak bila disajikan dalam keadaan dingin. Mari kita buat No Bake Oreo Cheesecake!

20 keping biskuit oreo
85 gram margarin
500 ml whipping cream, didinginkan (aku pakai Anchor)
300 gram cream cheese (aku pakai Elle & Vire)
8-10 sdm gula halus (kalian boleh memakai gula pasir, tingkat kemanisan sesuai selera kalian)
1 sdt ekstrak vanilla (aku pakai pasta vanilla Koepoe-Koepoe)
5 gram gelatin / agar-agar bubuk (aku pakai agar-agar Swallow bening)
30 ml air

Cara membuat:
1. Hancurkan biskuit Oreo hingga setengah halus.
2. Cairkan margarin. Tuangkan ke biskuit Oreo tadi. Aduk hingga rata.
3. Tata adonan Oreo ke dasar loyang (aku pakai loyang diameter 20 cm). Sisihkan.
4. Dalam mangkuk, kocok whipping cream dingin dengan mixer kecepatan tinggi selama 3-4 menit hingga softpeak. Softpeak adalah saat whipping cream diambil menggunakan whisk, whipping sudah kokoh namun jatuh kembali. Kalau menggunakan whisk tangan, kocok dalam wadah berisi air es agar suhu whipping cream terjaga. Mengocok dengan tangan membutuhkan waktu yang agak lama sekitar 20 menit. Sisihkan.
5. Larutkan gelatin / agar-agar dengan air.
6. Campur cream cheese + gula + larutan gelatin / agar-agar + ekstrak vanilla hingga tercampur rata (boleh tambahkan remah-remah Oreo).
7. Campur adonan 4 dan 6 menggunakan spatula hingga rata.
8. Masukkan adonan cheesecake ke dalam loyang tadi. Ratakan permukaan cheesecake dengan spatula.
9. Hias cheesecake. Masukkan ke dalam kulkas minimal selama 4 jam atau hingga set. Lebih enak ditaruh di dalam freezer.
10. Setelah set, potong dan sajikan selagi dingin.

Tips penyimpanan: Cheesecake tidak boleh terlalu lama di suhu ruang. Setelah mengambil, taruh kembali ke dalam kulkas atau freezer.

Mari Masak Bersama Amalia!
